News on the SUP Directive law enforcement in EU countries – Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Malta
The 5-month deadline milestone for the SUP Directive measures coming [...]
The 5-month deadline milestone for the SUP Directive measures coming [...]
The start of Corona pandemic created in the spring of [...]
July 2021 brings not only the enforcement deadline for the [...]
France France adopted a French Law on the Circular Economy, [...]
A year ago, when the coronavirus pandemic was declared, the [...]
Extruded polypropylene (XPP) or foamed PP is the most innovative [...]
The transposition date for the Single Use Plastic Directive, at [...]
China is currently experiencing one of the worst energy crunches [...]
The national efforts across EU to transpose the EU Directive [...]
XPS food packaging can still be used in an important [...]